By the Pen


Mutiny in Medina

People are often told to simply believe that “the Prophet did his last Haj and came back to Medina and died peacefully. Everything was fine. Don't question too much.”

However, when we research, we find that the truth is far more horrific.

The tragic "Pen and Paper" incident is part of Prophet's last days on Earth. The event can be found written in many books of history. Here is a short account of the incident. It all began with Prophet's final Haj in the year 632 A.D.

“At the farewell pilgrimage, Prophet predicted that he would soon die. On his way back to Medina, he stopped at Ghadir and, on God's orders, he appointed Ali as his successor. Some people did not like Ali. They made a secret pact to rob him of power. Medina was being set for mutiny.

In Medina, Prophet suddenly fell ill. His wife had poisoned him. She was part of the plot. She always hated Ali. She was promised that her father would be made the next leader. The Prophet realised this plot. He ordered them all to go with the army and fight the Romans on the border. He wanted them all out of the city. They refused to go.

Prophet now planned to write a will. He asked for pen and paper. They again refused to obey him. They said Prophet is too ill to write anything. They said he has lost his mind and fever has got to his head. They knew he wanted to secure Ali's succession in writing. They accused him of going insane in a high temperature. Prophet was angry. He realised that its no point writing a will now, because it would be rejected as illegal. He was denied his will. This was Thursday, four days before his death.

Prophet’s wife was an accomplice in the mutiny. She invented many lies. She wanted people to forget about Ali. She fabricated a hadith. She said Prophet is ill and wants her father to lead the people in prayers. When Prophet heard this, he rushed to the masjid. He removed her father, and led the prayers himself. Then he cursed the disobedient schemers and returned to his bed.

On Monday, the Prophet died. A covert meeting was quickly held in the Saqifa Hall. While Ali was busy with the funeral, they were busy grabbing power. Ali was weeping and washing Prophet’s body. They were stealing the government.

They secretly chose their own man. Once in power, they corrupted and stole everything of the Prophet, including the garden of Fadak, which he had given to his daughter Fatima. She demanded her property back. But the new regime denied Fatima her rightful inheritance. The garden of Fatima was confiscated. She came home empty handed angry and upset.

Imam Ali refused to recognise the illegitimate leader. A mob was sent to Ali’s home. They threatened to burn it down. Ali's house was surrounded with lit torches. They demanded Ali accept the new leader. Fire was set to the home. Grandsons of the Prophet were still inside. Fatima was kicked in the stomach. Door of her home was smashed. It fell on the holy lady. She lost her unborn child. She came out crying and cursing them. The shrewd leader told his mob to retreat. Arsonists pulled back for now.

Many other tribes did not accept the secretly chosen leader. He was furious and went on a murderous rampage. Thousands of people were slaughtered. Arabia was pacified through a reign of terror. All opposition was brutally suppressed.

Ali secluded himself. He taught Divine teachings only to a few loyal disciples. He moved out to Iraq where he was eventually assassinated as he bowed to God in prayer. Decade later children of the usurpers launched wars on the children of Ali. Imam Husain, the holy grandson of the Prophet, was butchered in Karbala. For centuries, the usurpers continued to massacre Prophet's descendents. God Bless Prophet and his family.

To hide their crimes, they tried to cover up everything with all sort of lies and excuses. They even blamed the Jews of poisoning the Prophet. They were in government. They wrote write whatever false books of history they liked. This was a brief summary of the events.”


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